Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fun at Granma and Grandad's House . . .

Granma's Office
Hangin out with Max
Now that's a bubble bath!
Me and My Grandad.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures of Alysha, it looks like she is having a great time!! Nothing better than being at Grandma & Grandads house!!!
Love you-Karen

Chip & Jan said...

What a silly headed ninimuggins

Anonymous said...

Melissa & Peter,
I thought of you, wondered where you were at and checked your blog for an update. I did not know you were already there, gotta love this blog.

Jaya is so so beautiful !!
I love hearing about your travels.
Psalm 91 over your family !!

Anna & Rick Diaz in Tulsa, OK

Anonymous said...

I am VERY dissapointed you haven't posted a photo of Jaya and Alysha together yet!!!! We hope you have gotten some much needed rest this weekend, can't wait to catch up.



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